Dívka už dva roky chodí s modrou kůží a říká, že mluví perfektně mimozemskem jazykem.

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I’ve been so busy lately, I’ve not really been taking many photos . . And wow, it’s so warm! 🥵 I hate summer! I think I might get #seasonalaffectivedisorder but with hot weather instead of cold - or something similar. Oh and while we’re on the mental health subject - I’m still trying to get access to therapy! I’ve been trying to get some for soooo many years but it seems impossible for me (I mean the free NHS therapy, I can’t afford to pay for private therapy btw). Because of quarantine they made it available for people who are severely agoraphobic like myself. I never heard back though so I’m guessing I wasn’t applicable. I will continue trying, it’s hard and exhausting but hopefully one day someone will finally help me and it will all be worth it. . . But yah anyway, here is some rainbow makeup! I regret not drawing on eyelids 😅 but it was nice to try something different! ✨💕💜 . . #lhouraii #aoinba #ishokuhada #blueskin #bluealien #alienaesthetic #pridemonth2020 #pridemakeup #rainbowaesthetic #rainbowmakeup #kawaii #kawaiiaesthetic #kawaiimakeup #glittermakeup #gaijingyaru

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"Barbie mimozemšťan" vede stránku na Instagram, kde je podepsáno více než 10 000 lidí.

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I didn’t get any actualy decent photos of my makeup because I was freaking out over how precious Amethyst is while @netonkent was taking photos 😅 . . The outside photos are me seeing outside for the first time in over a week (because the windows are all covered). I need to look outside more often! . . Also, I uploaded a new video (channel: Ligyaru). It’s 10 tips on getting through social isolation (like activities and stuff). . . I’m still making nails, thank you to everyone who ordered from me! And thank you for being so understanding on the delays! I’m doing my best! . . #ishokuhada #aoinba #blueskin #aliengirl #lightlanguage #youtubechannel #ligyaru #partykei #partykeiaesthetic #kawaiiaesthetic #kawaii #gaijingyaru #selfisolation #alienaesthetic #rainbowaesthetic #icomeinpeace

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A tam opravdu je na co se dívat — kráska demonstruje bizarní mimozemské make-up, modrý obličej, oblečení a různý umělé rohy, které jsou povinnou součástí image dívky.

Laura Lee, která od dospívání experimentuje s kosmetikou, tvrdí, že její make-up trvá jen hodinu.

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Svatba, o které nikdo nevěděl. Karel Roden a Lauru Čekanová jsou nyní novomanželé

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Zobrazit více

Dívka vydělává peníze na nehty a žije v hausbótu se svým partnerem Nathanem, který miluje její vzhled.

Kráska má drahocenný sen - změnit barvu kůži na modrou navždy, ale dokud dívka není připravena pokrýt své tělo tetováním modrého odstínu.

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I’m on an episode of ‘Hooked on the Look’ (you can just search it on youtube if you’d like to see it), this is my second time being on it and the difference in comments is unbelievable. . . My last video with them was viewed by over 7 million people, many of whom took the time to harass me and say very cruel things. I learned my lesson back then to not read the comments, but I skimmed through them and they seem mostly positive. I’ve had no mean messages (yet haha) which is... weird haha - I’m very happy today. . . I’m going to film a video talking about my experience if anyone is interested (channel: LIGYARU) ✨💕💜 . . #aoinba #ishokuhada #hookedonthelook #barcrofttv #aliengirl #alienaesthetic

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